The number 1 lan port is lit up and doing ipconfig I can see an ip for it but i can't login to it nor the router page that netgear uses for their routers.
More advice is definitely welcomed. If I must first physically connect the old router to the new router before using it as a bridge please let me know. I guess I'll have to consider this a dry run through before I go get the other wireless n router for the ps3. Thanks everyone. Whats model old router?? No Wireless connect mode to u. To work:. When you post in the quote modem in bridge mode do you mean my cable modem? Would that alter any of my wired abilities? I have a computer and my xbox hooked up via lan to my new n router.
I don't want to change any of that functionality. Are those the recommended ip settings to try to get my old g router into bridge then? I do appreciate the assistance. Ok I bought a new N router to use with the ps3 I haven't gotten onto getting the old G router working on the other computer yet. I bought the western digital my net n because it has gigabit ports at a decent price. I've been trying for awhile this evening to get it going.
I finally read this part of the manual and managed to access it using my tablet to get to the routers setup page: Using the Router as an Access Point You can use your My Net router as an extender or access point AP. Note: To use the router in extender mode, the router must be connected by wire to your computer.
To convert the router to extender mode: 1. Click the Advanced Settings icon and then the Admin icon. Click the Device Mode tab.
However I don't know how to get it to connect to my transmitting router - I need to know how to enter the wpa2 password that my transmitting router uses so the receiving router will have internet access. After I changed the router to extender mode I can't seem to log back into the receiving routers setup page with my tablet. It just keeps spinning and saying "obtaining ip address" but doesn't connect.
It sees the router but doesn't access it. I haven't changed any passwords or anything on the new receiving router yet. Is this "extender mode" the right option I need to setup the new western digital N router as a wireless bridge? I tried the network setup on the ps3 but when I choose "wired" as the internet connection option in the test mode it stops at obtaining ip address and says failed. I'm not sure how to enter the wpa2 password onto the receiving router to get it to access my existing network.
Do I need to connect it directly to one of my lan ports on my transmitting router? Fyi I have the new receiving router connected to the ps3 via one of the lan ports not the yellow internet input port. I think I'm nearly there to getting the wireless N connection I want on the ps3 but I am missing one or two steps here and any help would be appreciated.
I think I'm going to stop now and come at it fresh later. Edit oh yes both routers have the wps option for connecting. When I tried it a few times it just sits there and times out after two minutes. I have tried quick pressing the wps button on the new router and long pressing it but either way it just spins the light does blink but it doesn't connect. Fyi the netgear router I'm using as a transmitter has a software button on its setup page to initiate the wps connection not a physical button so far as I can tell.
The netgear router is wndrv2. Edit - ok I reconnected it to the transmitting router and I can see the router page again. I am trying the wps by selecting it from both routers' wps setup buttons. However it looks like it didn't works as I got another time out. I'm gonna try one or two more things and then quit for good tonight.
Edit - on the device mode screen of the receiving router it is set to extender mode. Do I have set it to static ip? Is that something I have to set in the transmitting router than in the receiving router? How does this change once I remove the receiving router and move it back to the ps3 in the other room?
Don't I still need to setup the wpa2 password in the receiving router? I set them to wpa2 and entered my transmitting routers wpa2 password. I don't know if this will work or not. I'm going to unplug it from my transmitting router and try it on my ps3.
I'd be really surprised if this works. I hope it does but I'm not sure. Edit - it did not work. I guess I'm going to have to do the static ip thing. I've never done that before. I'll have to figure how to do that. Normally i"ve always done the dynamic dchp stuff since I've only dealt with one router before. That will be another time. I think I will truly stop for now. I'll go watch some of Skyfall - just picked up the bluray today along with the new router.
Edit - ok I'm in the config page of the receiving router. Its lanned to the transmitting router. I have the dchp set to off on the receving router and I am setting the static ip on the receiving router. I'm assigning it a lan ip in the range that netgear uses.
I've got the subnet mask from the internet port information dialog on the netgear transmitting setup page. For the default gateway I am using the xxx main ip address of the netgear transmitting router that I use to login to the transmitting netgear router. For the primary and secondary dns server I am using the info from the internet port settings on the netgear transmitting router.
What does that mean? Last edited by yoda; 17th Feb at Thanks cauptain. This is the one that is connected to my cable modem via lan and is working just fine. I have the dhcp off on my mynet western digital router that is connected to my ps3.
Following a net search it seems that the does have a bridge mode called "bridge "Extender Mode Wired AP " mode. THat was where i turned off the dhcp and was trying to manually insert the ip and dns info.
Your diagram is a little confusing - do both routers need to be in bridge mode? Also do I need to change anything on the cable modem? I'd rather not go into the cable modem config page if I don't have to. Networking isn't my strong suit as you can probably tell.
Thanks for your help. I appreciate it. Last edited by Cauptain; 17th Feb at Thank you everyone for all of your help. I gave it one more shot with the wd router as a bridge. I couldn't get it going. I decided to admit defeat so I returned it.
I didn't think of looking for a non-Sony wifi adapter. It turns out at least Netgear makes one and I'm sure others do as well. It happens to be a netgear also but the wps feature also worked with a dlink range extender I picked up earlier this year.
I was thrilled to see it work the first time. No fuss no mess. And to hook it up to the ps3 I just plugged in the lan cable and selected wired through the internet setup and left everything on automatic and it worked.
I was really glad to get it going on the first shot. It is an N adapter and it claims to be able to get up to mbps even though its a mb lan port. Regardless even if it can only get a thats still better than the 54 tops for G and its the N protocol so its probably better overall for a wireless connection. Suffice it to say my needs have been met. I can do the hdx p movies through vudu without any apparent stuttering!
I love it. I can get my hd and surround wirelessly. I was also able to do the hd on youtube without stuttering which I couldn't do with the internal G wireless setup that my ps3 maxes out at. So this was absolutely worth it. Plus it was cheaper to boot. It was only I do have my xbox in there but for some reason the vudu app totally sucks on the It keeps bombing out on me and stuttering like mad. I do have a pc in that room but I don't really want to fire it up everytime to do a streaming movie.
You can use it to play games online, buy or download games, watch a TV show or movie, browse the internet, and more! Start at step one to learn how to connect your console to the internet. Log in Social login does not work in incognito and private browsers. Please log in with your username or email to continue. No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article.
We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article parts. Related Articles. Author Info Last Updated: September 16, Part 1. Power on the system. Hit the power button, or turn on the controller and wait for it to load. Tab to settings. Scroll to the left until you've reached a toolbox icon named settings.
Scroll to network settings. A picture of a globe and wrench named network settings. Press X to bring up the menu. Scroll to the third option on the menu. Press the X button again. Press X for OK. A message will appear saying, "Adjust settings for connection to the internet. If making a wired connection, you must have an Ethernet cable connected. Choose between easy and custom. Another menu will pop up asking for you to choose between an easy or custom setting. For those who don't know much about internet connections, your best bet is easy.
Part 2. Select connection method. A menu will pop up asking whether you want wired or wireless. If you want a wired plug an Ethernet cable into the back of the system and everything will automatically set.
Press wireless for WiFi. Choose WLAN settings. The easiest is to hit scan and choose your network name from the list that pops up, but you can also type in the name of yours manually, or use the connect automatically button on the back of your router. The option to change your SSID presents itself if you wish to.
If not, hit the right arrow key to continue. Choose security. Enter your password. If your internet has a password hit the X button and enter it into the popup menu. When done hit the right arrow key. Save your settings. Hit X again to enter your settings into the system and save them. Optional test connection.
If you want to make sure your internet is working properly hit the X button when prompted If not just hit the back button, you're done. A menu will pop up showing you. Whether it was able to obtain the IP address.