Qld transport address update

Transport and Main Roads matches addresses to Australia Post delivery standards. Addresses that do not match these standards may be automatically corrected.

Remember to also update your address details with Linkt previously known as "go via" , the toll payment provider , if you have a toll tag account. You will still need to complete a change of customer details form F if applying for a replacement photo identification card or industry licence at police stations and most QGAP offices. Your gender has no bearing on your eligibility to obtain a driver licence and is not relied on to verify your identity.

As such, the gender indicator was removed from Queensland driver licences on 1 October However, if you wish to change your gender on your licence record, you must visit a transport and motoring customer service centre with:.

You no longer have to complete a change of customer details form when visiting a transport and motoring customer service centre. You will still need to complete a change of customer details form F at police stations and most QGAP offices. If you have changed your name, you will need to hand in your current licence as you will be sent a replacement licence with your new name. A replacement driver licence fee will only apply if you cannot hand in your current licence.

There is no time restriction for notifying a change of gender. Register a vehicle, boat, caravan or trailer Register your vehicle or motorcycle Register your trailer or caravan Heavy vehicles Renew your registration More Registration costs and how to pay How to pay registration Registration costs Vehicle registration duty Concessional registration More Guidance and resources for promotion, encouragement and behaviour change. Search site Search help Search: tmr. Explore this site Popular Find a form Traffic cameras Find a customer service centre Traffic and road conditions Queensland road rules Driver licensing.

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