Connect ' Then link the table to the current path tdf. HansUp HansUp Tobias Kienzler Rex Rex 21 3 3 bronze badges. TableDefs Debug. Print tblDef. Name If tblDef. Michael Paxton Michael Paxton 21 5 5 bronze badges. The question already has an accepted answer - and this doesn't appear to add anything to that? The OP was asking about whether they can use relative paths. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.
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Hot Network Questions. Why are there 1,, rows in Excel? Click here to reveal answer. The Excel team increased the size of the grid in BrianMH Well-known Member. Joined Mar 26, Messages 1, You can get the path of the addin with ThisWorkbook. Path Code:. This code gives me a file not found error. Also, would ThisWorkbook. Path get me the path to the. Last edited: Feb 28, It would get the path of the xla that contains the module.
You could try surrounding the whole exe path with double quotes. Thanks, worked like a charm! You must log in or register to reply here. Similar threads E. Solved VBA code to open last save excel workbook in a specific file path.
Replies 4 Views Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. In have built a couple of mda library files which I am then referencing from my main Access application i.
Is there a way that these references can be made relative rather than absolute. The reason I am asking is so that it would make it easy to set-up on the user's computer if all three files main application and two mda files could simply be placed in any directory and work without having to change the references Why not just place the three MDEs in the same folder on the target system?
Access should find the MDE references just fine. Or are you using the add-in logic with the USysRegInfo table? You don't really need to do that with your own add-ins. Just with developer type add-ins such as Rick Fisher's Find and Replace. Just put that in your AutoExec and that reference ought to be available for everything. Of course, you'll have to check if the reference already exists before adding it, otherwise you get an error.
But that's just a matter of looping through Application. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Relative file references Ask Question.