Star trek computer end program

Where are you gonna go? The bridge might be an option. The odds of there being an officer on duty who's got at least some emergency medical training are fair, but what about all those exploding consoles?

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We design and operate prize competitions to address global crises and market failures, and incentivize teams around the world to solve them. The result? Radical innovation that will help us all live long and prosper. Sign up today to join our mission, be a part of our campaign and win collectibles at: tricorderfederation. An email will not be created automatically.

The email will only be created once you click on the "Send Email" button. Enter the email address associated with your account and we'll send you a link to reset your password. Search Submit. Star Trek: Voyager. BY Jon Sung. If anything, it would be diminishing after the merger since that will ignite fusion, converting mass into energy which is radiated away. The transporter console reads "Transport log Computer reports that it's transport log Data says, "That is the correct log. In the first scene, when La Forge tells the computer to "freeze program," the fire in the hearth keeps burning and flickering.

As Barclay enters the holodeck just after Data and Geordi exit it, the floor can be seen to be a black carpet or cloth with yellow tape on it, due to obvious creases in it. The goof items below may give away important plot points. At the end when Barclay says "Computer, end program," the computer does not respond. Barclay then walks away satisfied that no program is continuing. The problem is, other episodes have established that the computer, anywhere aboard ship, would respond.

It should have said something like "There are currently no programs running, please restate request. When Captain Picard and Data discover that they are still on the Holodeck, the two discuss a plan to find a way to fool Moriarty; however, since they are still on the Holodeck where Moriarty is in full control, he would be able to see and hear anything that anyone in the Holodeck does and says; hence, any plan against him would be foiled before it could even take shape.

As the professor and the countess board the simulated shuttle craft, he asks the computer to get ready to depart. There's a side shot where one can see that the nacelles aren't lit up, even though they leave the shuttle bay a moment later. Getting Started Contributor Zone ». Edit page. Top Gap.


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