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The Office of Attorney General does not make any promises, assurances, or guarantees as to the accuracy of the translations provided. A copy of this disclaimer can also be found on our Disclaimer page. Skip to main content. You are here Home. Local Menu. Consumer Affairs is dedicated to resolving complaints, enforcing Suffolk County Code, obtaining restitution for Suffolk County Consumers and licensing specific businesses within Suffolk County.
Consumer Complaints may review customer issues regarding home improvements, furniture purchases, mail order sales, credit card billing and misleading ads. New Electrical License Renewal Requirements. E-mail us requests or questions at : consumer. Office Hours: Monday - Friday - a. From West: Northern State Pkwy.
East to the end and continue on Rte. Turn left on Old Willets Path. Make first right turn North County Complex. We are the second building on the left, Building 17, the entrance marked Consumer Affairs.
Text Only Version. Toggle navigation. County Clerk. District Attorney. Agencies and Boards. Board of Ethics. Suffolk County Judicial Facilities Agency. So, make sure the contractor is insured. Check licenses. Never pay the full price upfront. Establish a payment schedule and stick to it. Often this could include an initial down payment and subsequent incremental payments until the work is completed. Withhold final payment until all the work is completed and all required inspections and certificates of occupancy are finalized.
Put it in writing. New York state law requires a contractor to provide a written contract for home improvement work. The contract should include a timeline for work to be completed, a payment schedule and as many specifics as possible about the project, such as types or brands of materials. On larger projects, architect or engineer plans should specify virtually every detail of a project.
Know where your payments are going. Contractors are required by state law to either: Put your payments into an escrow account and use it only for your job until it is substantially complete contractors are legally required to disclose where money will be held in escrow. Prove they have bond insurance to protect your money.
Ask for proof of which option they use before hiring them. Never do business with a contractor who is unwilling to abide by any of the conditions above. This website is a crucial resource for anyone looking to have work done on their property. All rights reserved.