Template monster joomla school

Also, our free themes have a lot of custom block variations, which gives the possibility to easily style any content of your website, which can be a component, module, or article content.

You can quickly match any section color scheme to your site's design. Some of our free Joomla templates support RTL right to the left layout orientation, which is a good choice for languages such as are Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, and Urdu. Premium Joomla Templates. Community Builder Templates. Support Forum. Terms of Custom Services. Responsive Joomla Design Our free Joomla themes have a flexible layout that scales up or down to fit the screen size of a variety of devices, from full-screen desktops to tablets and laptops, to small touchscreens on mobile devices.

Advanced Typography Options It's great to have beautiful animation CSS3, images, or badges on your website, but that doesn't mean you should ignore your content.

Navigation Options As mentioned above, our Joomla templates are built on the best framework - Gantry, which has many useful features, such as Visual Menu Editor, which gives the possibility to structure and edit your menu, icons, add images, set colors, add links, titles and module positions, etc. Mobile Menu In order to improve the user experience on mobile or tablet devices, we created very useful free Joomla Mobile Menu module - a multi-level push menu, allowing to change color styles, to select menu items, images, icons, and which comes with many options.

Layout Manager Gantry 5 admin panel has the feature, such as layout manager, an easy-to-use drag-n-drop manager, which gives you ability breeze to create template's layouts. Parallax Background Sections Some of our free Joomla themes are coming with attractive and responsive parallax smooth scrolling effects, the beautiful sections with background parallax feature, which boosts your website design to the upper level.

LightBox Effects In every best free template should be included a good looking responsive lightbox, and in our template they are. Bootstrap Framework Some of our free Joomla templates are coming with Bootstrap elements, the special features of the Bootstrap framework. Custom Block Variations Also, our free themes have a lot of custom block variations, which gives the possibility to easily style any content of your website, which can be a component, module, or article content.

The reason why people choose Joomla is that it is free CMS, you have unrestricted rights in using, you can download free of charge, modify it, distribute it, and even add your special features. Joomla comes with an access control list ACL which has two separate systems: 1 what content users can view; and 2 what actions users can take. Both systems work differently and uses user-groups and access levels. Joomla possibilities for useful features and add-ons are just endless.

There are more than extensions, which helps you to create a powerful website for your organization. In addition, there is a lot of integration for other 3-rd party web projects. One of the amazing aspects of Joomla is that it has a multilingual system. You can simply install any language which you need, which is very easy for companies from different cultures and languages. Also, you can override any language text. Flowers Style Seo Friendly. Easy Template Builder. Our Clients Testimonial Education University.

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