The english verb michael lewis ebook

Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. This is a teacher's handbook exploring the structure and meaning of the central verb system of English. The book emphasizes the regularity of English in order to help the teacher to see English grammar as a coherent system.

Get A Copy. Paperback , pages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The English Verb , please sign up. Is this the same Michael Lewis who wrote Flash Boys? See 1 question about The English Verb…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. Sort order. When I read this for the first time during my Delta course, it completely changed my vision of how English grammar worked.

Reading it again now having had five years of processing those ideas and trying to work out how to apply them to the classroom reminded me of some of the key points I had forgotten, but also of the fact that Lewis expressly says 'I beg the reader not to impose the rather abstract explanations of this book on their unsuspecting students' in the last sentence of the book.

That When I read this for the first time during my Delta course, it completely changed my vision of how English grammar worked. That's what I plan to continue doing now An example such as that just given, would probably be described as non-standard, uneducated, but the simple distinction between right and wrong is not helpful for the descriptive grammarian.

Any good descriptive grammar will be very large. Often the descriptions will be complicated and technical. They will not be of much use to the average student of English as a foreign language.

They are, however, often the basis for the second kind of grammar — a pedagogic, or teaching, grammar. This is the kind of book with which foreign language students are very familiar. The book will tell them whether a particular form is possible or not. It will also frequently include explanations of why forms are, or are not, possible.

There are many differences between the two kinds of grammar — a pedagogic grammar will usually be much smaller, and easier to use. Many possible English sentences will be excluded. The book will, to some extent, artificially simplify the language. There are, however, two more important differences. A description can be long, technical, and complicated.

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