The industrial revolution spreads pdf

In , Scottish social philosopher Adam Smith , who is regarded as the founder of modern economics, published The Wealth of Nations.

In it, Smith promoted an economic system based on free enterprise, the private ownership of means of production, and lack of government interference. Though many people in Britain had begun moving to the cities from rural areas before the Industrial Revolution, this process accelerated dramatically with industrialization, as the rise of large factories turned smaller towns into major cities over the span of decades.

This rapid urbanization brought significant challenges, as overcrowded cities suffered from pollution, inadequate sanitation and a lack of clean drinking water. Meanwhile, even as industrialization increased economic output overall and improved the standard of living for the middle and upper classes, poor and working class people continued to struggle. The mechanization of labor created by technological innovation had made working in factories increasingly tedious and sometimes dangerous , and many workers were forced to work long hours for pitifully low wages.

In the decades to come, outrage over substandard working and living conditions would fuel the formation of labor unions , as well as the passage of new child labor laws and public health regulations in both Britain and the United States, all aimed at improving life for working class and poor citizens who had been negatively impacted by industrialization.

The beginning of industrialization in the United States is usually pegged to the opening of a textile mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, in by the recent English immigrant Samuel Slater.

By the end of the 19th century, with the so-called Second Industrial Revolution underway, the United States would also transition from a largely agrarian society to an increasingly urbanized one, with all the attendant problems. By the early 20th century, the U. Historians continue to debate many aspects of industrialization, including its exact timeline, why it began in Britain as opposed to other parts of the world and the idea that it was actually more of a gradual evolution than a revolution.

The positives and negatives of the Industrial Revolution are complex. On one hand, unsafe working conditions were rife and pollution from coal and gas are legacies we still struggle with today. On the other, the move to cities and inventions that made clothing, communication and transportation more affordable and accessible to the masses changed the course of world history.

Regardless of these questions, the Industrial Revolution had a transformative economic, social and cultural impact, and played an integral role in laying the foundations for modern society. Start your free trial today.

Robert C. Oxford: Oxford University Press, New York: Random House, New York: Grove Press, But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present.

The Industrial Revolution, which began roughly in the second half of the s and stretched into the early s, was a period of enormous change in Europe and America. The invention of new technologies, from mechanized looms for weaving cloth and the steam-powered locomotive to Technology has changed the world in many ways, but perhaps no period introduced more changes than the Second Industrial Revolution.

Mechanization of German industry was delayed by the disunity of the German states. Until the middle of the 19th century progress was retarded by internal tariff barriers, inadequate transportation, and lack of colonial markets and money for investments. Only in Prussia was there a move toward establishment of heavy industry. After unification under the Prussians in , Germany launched a program of industrial and commercial expansion that made it a world leader by the early 20th century.

The first Asian nation to become industrialized was Japan. After restoration of imperial power in , Emperor Mutsuhito sent Japanese scholars to study Western industry. Quickly and methodically Japan became a highly efficient industrial nation.

China and India largely retained their ancient primitive systems of agriculture and handicraft until after World War II.

The governments of these countries then began the slow process of teaching the peasants modern agricultural and industrial methods. Russia under the czars was also a peasant society.

After the Russian Revolution in , the Communist leaders moved first to gain control of agriculture and production. In the First Five Year Plan went into effect. Its aim was to transform the nation from an agricultural to an industrial one. Under a continuing series of five-year plans, the Soviet Union became second only to the United States as an industrial power. Industrialization in Latin America came largely in the 20th century, due in many cases to foreign investments.

Unstable governments and lack of effective social legislation, however, hindered progress in many countries. Simulation Reflection Describe how you felt while working on the assembly line. How did members of your group cope with the stress or tedium?

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