Use them as often as you can, especially when there are a lot of enemies on the stage. Skills work on a chain — you have to upgrade one skill high enough to unlock the ability to upgrade another skill. Click here to continue on to part 2 of the Thor: The Dark World tips and tricks guide! Iconic One Theme Powered by Wordpress. Send your Einherjar in to do the battle for you, especially warriors because they have the strongest defense until you start unlocking the more advanced Einherjar.
Oftentimes, they can even beat the stage for you. Use them as often as you can, especially when you have quests that require you to speed run through the stage, or to finish with a high percentage of your health intact. Use them as often as you can, especially when there are a lot of enemies on the stage.
Upgrading becomes a lot easier as you farm earlier and easier levels for runes and even Iso Completing some achievements in the game will earn you some Uru. One of the easiest and stress-free ways to earn some Uru five pieces of Uru, to be exact is by connecting the game to Facebook. Make sure you do that social media move as soon as you start up the game. Okay, so you got your free intake of some much needed Uru through Facebook.
Want some more Uru? By Elton Jones. Updated Oct 19, at pm. More news from Asgard to come! Official site: gameloft.