Triton Jade 2 cold water leak. Might need new Valve. Jade 2. Triton Jade II. Triton Jade 2 electric shower. Triton jade 2 shower. Triton jade Jade II replacement. Thermal Cut out. Soap tray broken. Seal kit. Water pressure output. Boiler issue. PRD replacement. Kettling of Jade 11 shower.
Low pressure light on. Triton Jade 2 electric shower leaking. Water continually dripping from Shower head. Low pressure light coming on and shower stops. Inlet Assembly S Triton Jade 2 leaking. Jade 11 follow up. Jade 11 not shutting off. Jade 11 water temperature. Water won't stop running can it be manually turned off. Water leaking from outlet : 2! Water leaking from outlet.
Water only just warm on highest setting. Fitting heater can assembly to Triton Jade II. Jade Just stopped. Low pressure! Triton Jade II - Low pressure light. Running hot, very hot. Showerhead holder. There is water leaking from number 6 of the image. Black bits coming out of Jade 2. Low pressure light permanently on - and have low pressure.
Continuous Water Flow. Water only Warm. Burnt wiring. Low pressure. Temperature fluctuation follow up. Temperature fluctuation. Aug 8, — Jade II. This book contains all the necessary fitting and operating instructions for your Triton electric shower. Please read Dec 29, — A quick comparison to the drawings in the user manual and we found the solenoid valve had actually become faulty.
Replacement was " Dec 2, — views2 download Installers please note these InstructIons are to be left wIth the Trion Jade 2 Electric Shower For a complete list of Triton Jade 2 spare parts please visit www. Water dripping from shower head.. Supplied with 1m stainless steel chrome hose and adjustable riser rail with shower head holder. I have power but the water has stopped coming through. It must thaw out before using.